Thursday, October 10, 2013

Remove Your Shoes sign

 When we moved into our new home, I wanted something cute to put in the entry way that reminded people to take off their shoes.  I am a big fan of personalizing any home decor that you can (especially art for the walls, as you can see from my canvas in the entry way) and so I had my friend take a picture of my daughter holding up a pair of shoes.  We then put "Please remove your shoes!" using photoshop.  I printed an 8X10 and then framed it for the entry.  I was really happy with how it turned out and have received a lot of compliments on it! For once I can take credit for this idea, even though there are tons like it all over pinterest now.  But I actually had this done 4 years ago, before pinterest was even created!!  haha

This is definitely something you can do yourself...just simply taking a picture and if you can't add the words directly TO the picture, you can put them on the frame or something.  Some other ideas are to take a picture of all your kids bare feet:
 This would be a funny one...we found this shoe tree on our way to Zions National Park.  We stopped to take a picture for fun, but I decided it could make a fun shoe sign for my entry way! haha

Monday, October 7, 2013

Plastic Bag Storage

 I used to keep all our plastic grocery bags under the sink.  They get a little out of control.  IKEA came up with a genius contraption...a Plastic Bag Dispenser.  Only $1.99 at IKEA.   I decided to put mine in the pantry.  It's very well hidden and a great use of space that wasn't getting used.  I have seen these Plastic Dispensers used for so many will be seeing more of them on my blog soon!

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