
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gift Wrapping

Gift wrapping materials have been my nemesis for quite some time now. Currently, I keep all of it in this hallway closet. Yes, this closet has other problems, but my main focus is all that tissue paper, gift bags, etc: 
And then I saw it...a beautiful way to organize it all :  BUT I could not find one of these anywhere!!!!
FINALLY I found one online at Bed, Bath and Beyond and it looks just like it, do you think? 
But I'm so sad it is $35!!!!!!!!!  That is so much!!  Help! Do any of you have better (cheaper) ways to organize your gift wrapping supplies??


  1. I just figured out where I wanted to put all of it and bought rubbermaid containers to fit it all in. I have a huge closet, so I bought one of those wrapping paper holders that is vertical. It has a little container on the top that holds scissors, ribbon, and tape as well. It's hard to find, but I really like it. It just sits in the corner of my closet behind all of my dresses. I just keep all of the bags, boxes, and tissue paper in a rubbermaid container in the hanging overhead storage in my garage. It's not super pretty, but it works and my kids stay out of it.

  2. That is a pretty organizer but you are right $35 is a lot! I'd rather buy some new shoes!

    I have 2 rubbermaid organizers that fit under my bed. One for paper, scissors, ribbon etc and one for bags and tissue paper. I usually wrap presents on my bed so I just pull it out when I need it and stuff it back under when I'm done. It's organzied and I don't have to look at it! :)


Thanks for sharing!! I really appreciate it!